cooking lessons
Up your cooking game
My mission is to help you fit wholesome nosh into your busy family life, and that means tailoring lessons to suit you. Perhaps you want to simplify the planning, fit within a family budget, or cut down on the time you spend in the kitchen, while still plating up health supporting meals. You could be reducing your meat intake, or maybe you have dietary requirements or a health condition in the family which makes it tricky to cook for everyone. It could even be that you have lost the joy in cooking, and I can help to make it fun again! Whatever your situation, I tailor cooking lessons to your needs.
We start with an initial free chat so I can find out exactly how to help. I will then set out a plan and how much it will cost. Prices start at £120. Lessons are in person, at my home or yours (I can travel up to an hour from Peterborough)
1:1 Lessons
Group Lessons
Lesson Packages
Just you and me! The most personal and in-depth way of changing the way you cook and eat. With a 1:1 lesson, I get to focus on you and teach you techniques and methods relevant to your life and your needs. Book a free call to talk about your tailored lesson plan.
Group lessons are great if you fancy learning some new tricks alongside your partner, your whole family or even a group of like-minded friends. Maybe you want to share the load with the family, or you and your partner are stuck in a food rut and want some practical help getting healthy. Get in touch and we can talk about how it can work for you.
Lesson packages are for those folks who need more than 1 lesson on their culinary journey. Available 1:1 or in groups, packages may contain a number of activities other than cooking, including a pantry clear-out, supermarket swaps, shopping, batch cooking and meal planning.
About my cooking lessons
During an initial free call, I take care to learn about you and your goals. Aside from cooking, several different activities can be included as part of a lesson or a package such as a pantry clear-out, supermarket swaps, shopping, batch cooking and meal planning.
Whether it’s a 1:1, a family affair, or a group of friends, Beanpod cooking lessons are a uniquely personal way of changing the way you cook and eat, to keep yourself and your family healthy. My cooking lessons focus on Beanpod methods, not recipes. I want to enable you to get home after work, open the fridge, and whip up a quick, healthy and tasty meal, stress free.
I don’t want to teach you recipes that you’ll grow bored of like the other meals you have on rotation (though we are all guilty of that). Sustainable healthy cooking happens when you learn the components of healthy meals, and you can adjust them based on what you have, whether that’s time, ingredients or money.Be inspired with new ingredients, broaden your repertoire of quick mid-weekers as well as some more impressive effort worthy pieces with my cooking lessons.

If you want healthy eating to become second nature but life gets in the way of eating nutritious foods consistently, you may need some support on your journey, and I’ve got your back. Nutrition coaching is a purely positive method of helping you to adjust your eating habits, change your mindset and achieve your health goals.
Taster Sessions
Every month, I offer a handful of one-off sessions to new clients. These may be enough to make a good impact or might help you discover if you would like to work with me longer term to support you on your health journey.
Fill in my pantry produce list in your own time, (who even has pantries nowadays, this is just a list of the non-refrigerated foods) then over 1 hour, we discuss your food choices and buying habits, and decide on some healthy, easy swaps with some recipe guidance to boot.
If you’re concerned about your family’s eating habits, worried your kids eat too much sugar (it’s a common one) or portion sizes confuse you, let’s talk it through. I’ll give you some nutrition guidance, food recommendations and helpful tips.
If you’re tired of feeling tired, you struggle with that mid-afternoon energy slump, or want to curb those cravings, the Personal Health and Energy Review is for you. Together, we get clarity and set targeted actions to benefit you instantly. Expect to be motivated and educated all in 90 mins.